2014年5月7日 星期三

MIT 五月新書推薦-Neuroscience: A Historical Introduction

MIT五月新書推薦-Neuroscience: A Historical Introduction

Neuroscience: A Historical Introduction
出版公司:The MIT Press
書名:Neuroscience: A Historical Introduction
作者:Mitchell Glickstein
出版日期:January 17, 2014
$50.00 USD
分類:Science / Life Sciences / Neuroscience
424 pages
52 color illus., 119 b&w illus.


認知神經科學泰斗Michael Gazzaniga盛讚本書權威、有高度可讀性、插圖豐富、超有趣。學生可以深入了解此學科的理論與詞彙。(Authoritative, highly readable, wonderfully illustrated, and just plain interesting. Students of neuroscience will finally learn where all those ideas and terms came from that we now use with regularity. Only Glickstein could have achieved all of this.)

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