B. K. Agency (簡單出版有限公司) 是專業代理西方出版社在亞洲拓展業務的經紀公司,本身並不直接從事進口銷售業務。代理W.W. Norton、美國知名大學出版社(Harvard、MIT、Princeton, etc)等英、美、澳共四十多家國際出版社,除台灣外,並長期經營香港,韓國及中國市場。2007年起龍登也開始成為有潛力作者的經紀人,譬如擔任美國說故事大師Dr. Mike Lockett亞洲地區經紀人。負責安排Dr. Lockett的巡迴演出、講座及作品出版事宜。 代理出版品包括大學用書、各領域專業書籍、大眾讀物、兒童讀物、英語學習教材、影音光碟、電子書、線上數位學習及語料庫搜索工具等產品,並提供出版社版權交易相關服務。主要服務對象為國內圖書進口商,出版社,師資培訓機構及專業人士。
2011年11月23日 星期三
2011年11月4日 星期五
2011年8月28日 星期日
龍登出版公司將於2011年8月31日—9月4日的「第十八屆北京國際圖書博覽會」於中國國際展覽中心(新館)展出美國Benchmark Education與Teacher Created Materials,英國Snowflake Books,奧地利的Helbling Languages,與澳大利亞Blake Publishing最新的出版品,有意洽談版權及進出口業務之出版公司,歡迎蒞臨龍登,TCM及Blake展位。
1. 龍登展位:E2館F22
Benchmark Education
Snowflake Books
Helbling Languages
版權代表: 孫梅華/蕭得貞
2. Teacher Created Materials展位:E2館F47
海外部經理Mr. Jeff Arkell
3. Blake Publishing展位:E2館B19
版權部經理Mr. Nadeem Ansari
孫梅華/蕭得貞 敬邀
B. K. Norton 龍登出版有限公司
台灣 台北市羅斯福路四段60號5樓
Tel:886-2-66320088, Fax:886-2-66329772
Meihua@bookman.com.tw / lillianh@bookman.com.tw
龍登Blog http://blog.sina.com.cn/bknorton
Benchmark為美國中小學課堂用書主要供應書商,所設計的各類課堂閱讀及輔助教材深獲老師的喜愛,近年更致力研發數位線上學習產品,包括有聲電子書(Audio e-books)及互動白板光碟(Interactive whiteboard e-resources)等,多元化的教學方式對提升學習興趣有極大的效益。
NEWMARK LEARNING (http://www.newmarklearning.com)
Snowflake Books是一個年輕的台灣女子跨越語言障礙完成學位,與幾位同好在英國牛津共同創辦的出版公司。Snowflake Books以深入淺出的表達手法把浪漫的古典英國文化帶進東方,同時也將神祕而遙遠的中國文化引入歐美閱讀環境。出版特色不但重視學術資料的正確性,更以古典融合創新的插圖對映內容,保留給讀者更多想像空間。出版主題除了經典詩詞、文學、藝術、逐漸失傳的英國鄉村農藝、建築與環境等西方主題外,中國成語故事、唐詩三百首、中國寓言故事等頗具東方神秘色彩的主題也是Snowflake Books即將發展的出版方向。
HELBLING LANGUAGE (Austria) 展位E2 館 F22
Helbling Languages是歐洲主要的ELT教材出版社,出版各種英語教學相關的書籍。他們一貫的宗旨是以推動不同語言與不同文化的國家互相了與溝通,並提供老師與學生高品質且創新的英語教材。除了配合老師的需要,幫助提升專業教學水平外,也參考最新的認知心理學、教育和腦部研究,以確保產品符合學生所需。創新的教科書搭配多媒體的DVD及線上教學資源,讓學習英語變得更輕鬆更有趣。
Teacher Created Materials (TCM)是一家由教學經驗豐富的教師為核心所組成的美國專業教育出版社,成立於1977年,專門為老師提供易學易用的教材教具,曾得到Teacher’s Choice Award等多項大獎肯定,同時與時代雜誌及教育與科學等專業機構密切合作,提供優質的教案、學習單、教師資源、相關書籍、參考網站等等;更針對閱讀、寫作、文法、戲劇等設計出多元完整之教材,內容涵蓋社會科學、自然科學、數學、歷史等,適合國小至高中的學生。
*BLAKE PUBLISHING (Australia) 展位E2 館 B19
Blake Education 專門出版幼教、小學及中學補充教材,另外也出版國中及國小的教師教學資源類書籍。其閱讀教材曾獲年度全國最佳教育類圖書獎,暢銷國際。所有教材皆附教師手冊及學生練習。
Pascal Press
Pascal Press的兩大暢銷叢書為Excel系列(幼稚園至高中自修教材)及Targeting系列(數學和英語書寫練習)。旗下包括BELT、VEA、 Learning Essentials and Scaffolding Education,過去五年以合作出版及授權方式將1750種書籍銷售至英、美、歐、亞及中東等40多個國家。
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2011年7月26日 星期二
Teacher Created Materials Receives "High Five" as Products win AEP Awards!
Educational publisher, Teacher Created Materials, proudly accepts five Distinguished Achievement Awards from The Association of Educational Publishers at an awards banquet held in Washington, DC
Huntington Beach, CA, July 3, 2011-Teacher Created Materials <http://www.teachercreatedmaterials.com/newsEvents/awards_html> once again reaped the rewards of developing high-quality resources designed specifically for the educational market by winning five of AEP's highly coveted Distinguished Achievement Award (DAA) at the annual event held on June 8, 2011.
"Receiving these awards is unquestionably a great testament to our ongoing commitment to teachers. We strive continuously to raise the bar by developing successful classroom resources that teachers want and need," commented TCM's President, Corinne Burton.
A dual award winner Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: American Tall Tales and Legends <http://www.teachercreatedmaterials.com/estore/product/11989> took home one Distinguished Achievement Award for Curriculum, Reading and Language Arts K-5 and another for Social Studies K-5. Developed for grades PreK-12, Building Fluency through Reader's Theater is a standards-based fluency series that motivates students with fun, repeated, and purposeful reading practice. The award-winning kit features scripts that function as important differentiated instruction tools, effectively bridging the gap between word recognition and comprehension while also reinforcing social studies content.
Building Fluency through Reader's Theater: William Shakespeare <http://www.teachercreatedmaterials.com/estore/product/11347> was also honored with the DAA award for Curriculum, Special Education and Intervention. This classroom resource, based on classic Shakespeare plays, was developed to enrich existing Special Education curriculum readily and easily and fit in perfectly with intervention programs. The components in this resource are presented in various formats, including print, digital, and audio, for the leveled scripts, songs, and Shakespearian sonnets.
Winning the category for Curriculum, Science 6-8, the Discovering Science through Inquiry: Ecology and the Environment <http://www.teachercreatedmaterials.com/estore/product/12370> kit effectively spurs student investigation and advances understanding of scientific concepts through hands-on activities and inquiry-based exploration. Exploring History through Primary Sources: United States Foreign Policy <http://www.teachercreatedmaterials.com/estore/product/10827> won for Curriculum, Social Studies 9-12. Featuring authentically recreated primary sources and photograph cards to enhance social studies curriculum, this resource includes letters and memos by political leaders, historically significant newspaper excerpts, and declassified documents as well as paintings, maps, and cartoons which support document-based assessment and higher order thinking skills.
About Teacher Created Materials
Teacher Created Materials <http://www.teachercreatedmaterials.com/> is one of the most recognized names in educational publishing. For over 30 years, TCM's award-winning resources have been used by educators in all 50 state and 99 countries. Offering a broad range of innovative curriculum resources, TCM's products support reading, writing, mathematics, social studies, science, technology, early childhood, and professional development for Grades PK-12. All of TCM's resources and professional development training reflect the latest research, best classroom practices, and achievement-oriented methodologies. The practical and teacher-friendly solutions created by Teacher Created Materials help teachers do what they do best - reach, teach, and inspire students everywhere.
The Association of Educational Publishers is a nonprofit, professional organization for educational publishers. Founded in 1895, AEP began as a university-based association, which has grown to aid communication between educational organizations, including policy makers, teachers, educational foundations and associations, and the education media. AEP's primary focus is actively to create a public awareness of effective educational resources.
2011年7月10日 星期日
Koala Books 2011年最新圖書&推薦繪本簡介
New Frontier 2011年最新圖書&推薦繪本簡介
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
The marriage of Spaulding’s simple and clearly-written language and Grantford’s smile-inducing illustrations make for a heart-warming book – perfect for children who have lost a pet or who have suffered loss in any way – but also perfect for anyone who enjoys a memorable story that will leave a lasting impression long after the last page is turned.
B. K. Agency 公司官網即日起移至新網站 (2023 Nov)
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B. K. Agency總代理產品介紹 W.W. NORTON & COMPANY, INC. (USA) https://wwnorton.com/ Norton 是全世界公認首屈一指的獨立出版公司,秉持「出版不為單一理由,而是為了流傳久遠」...
首部關於 瑞典現代抽象畫先驅 Hilma af Klint 生平與畫作的童書 Hilma af Klint : Kartor över osynligheten 希...
B. K. Agency is a professional sales and rights agency representing more than 40 American, British & Australian publishers, including W...