2010年4月27日 星期二





(美國)Teacher Created Materials出版公司簡介


Teacher Created Materials (TCM)是一家由教學經驗豐富的教師為核心所組成的美國專業教育出版社,成立於1977年,專門為老師提供易學易用的教材教具,曾得到Teacher’s Choice Award等多項大獎肯定,同時與時代雜誌及教育與科學等專業機構密切合作,提供優質的教案、學習單、教師資源、相關書籍、參考網站等等;更針對閱讀、寫作、文法、戲劇等設計出多元完整之教材,內容涵蓋社會科學、自然科學、數學、歷史等,適合國小至高中的學生。

Sketch Engine (UK) 語料庫介紹

Sketch Engine (UK)

Sketch Engine是知名語料庫專家Adam Kilgarriff所開發的語料庫介面,是使用語料庫的好幫手,讓複雜的語料庫變得容易使用,除可作為British National Corpus的介面,還可與多種中英文、西班牙文、葡萄牙文、法文的語料庫串聯互通。

Sketch Engine範例下載與步驟

(美國)Marshall Cavendish Children簡介


美國知名出版集團Marshall Cavendish專事出版百科叢書、童書及非小說類出版品。旗下的Marshall Cavendish Reference以出版工具書、百科叢書,可供終身學習及作為輔助課程的參考書籍為主;Marshall Cavendish Benchmark專為年輕讀者出版製作精美的學習類輔助叢書;Marshall Cavendish Children則以各種童書與圖畫書為主,旨在增進學童閱讀與理解能力。

(美國)LEE & LOW BOOKS公司簡介


Lee & Low Books為華裔美籍人士所創辦,其出版關注為如何在種族、文化與語言多樣性的社會中,跨越膚色與性別等外在籓籬,追求並完成普世的價值。


[美國USA] Illumination Arts Publishing Company簡介


Illumination Arts以出版「啟發智慧‧觸動心靈」的童書為使命。首部童書All I See Is Part Of Me即連獲二獎,並深深感動許多讀者家庭。

Illumination Arts結合最優秀的作家與繪者,賦予故事書鮮活的生命。不僅為讀者帶來歡笑,也傳達人際之間尊重、饒恕、包容與愛的可貴,希望幫助讀者享受內在的平和,增進對自我的認識,這也是Illumination Arts童書也深受成人讀者喜愛的原因。


innovativeKids (USA)

innovativeKids是一家充滿創意的童書出版社,許多產品更獲得獎項的肯定。由於innovativeKids有著「Play is a Child’s Work」的創新意念,他們相信,玩樂就是學習的最好方法,於是將玩樂與學習融合,出版品中皆內含色彩繽紛且清新可愛的插畫以來提高孩子的閱讀興趣。

(英國)Garnet Education簡介


Garnet Education是一家有35年歷史專門出版高品質英語學習教材的出版公司。與資深教師、專業人士互動密切,供應各級學校優質的ELT教材,並協助學校設計課程,提供師訓等服務。

主要ELT產品除了加強一般聽說讀寫技能外,更以提升學術英語能力(EAP, English for Academic Purposes)及專業英語能力(ESAP, English for Specific Academic Purposes)的高品質系列產品,為大專程度以上學生所需實務上的英語訓練,提供了最佳的課程。所研發的ESAP系列並榮獲2009年英國愛丁堡杜克大學英語學習出版品大獎(Winner of The Duke of Edinburgh English-Speaking Union English Language Awards) 。

2010年4月12日 星期一

澳洲兒童圖書理事會年度大獎-Notable Books入選書單: Picture Books圖畫書類


 Picture Book圖畫書類

Clancy and Millie and the Very Fine House

Little Hare Books

作者:Libby Gleeson & Freya Blackwood


ISBN: 9781921541193




*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


Cooking with Grandma

Hardie Grant Books

作者:Mastnak & Rosemary


ISBN: 9781921564192







Spare on words but strong on pictures, this delightful picture book for young readers is full of life, joy and warmth, and has obviously been a labour of love. The simple story of a little girl dressing up as a ballerina and then dancing with her jeans-clad grandmother develops into a joyous romp and ends with an exhausted collapse on the couch and a quiet read together. The setting is a very recognisable, average family home and Grandma is in the kitchen. But she is not so busy that she cannot spare the time to abandon the washing-up to have some quality time with her granddaughter. The cat and the dog, obviously much-loved family members, eventually join in the fun (the dog rather begrudgingly). The free-flowing watercolour illustrations extend the story to give young readers a subtext to follow that will have them returning to the first page for repeat readings to check out the subtle changes. The landscape format is perfect for the pace of the story, enhanced by the clever typography and design, and a generous use of white space. Highly recommended for children and their grandparents.

Review from Australian Bookseller & Publisher magazine

澳洲兒童圖書理事會年度大獎-Notable Books入選書單: Younger Reader


Younger Readers青少年讀物

Audrey’s Big Secret

出版公司:Little Hare Books

作者:Christine Harris & Ann James


ISBN: 9781921272530




這個故事可讓讀者瞥見當時澳洲的原住民政策同化政策。其中一個做法是強制將原住民兒童從他們親生父母身邊帶走,然後交給社會福利機構或寄養家庭,這些原住民兒童從此斷了文化的根,也失去了家庭的溫暖。Audrey’s Big Secret故事感動人心,而奧黛莉打抱不平和伸張正義的勇敢行為也得到讀者的喜愛。


“…Audrey is a likeable character who is loyal and caring and it is through her child’s eyes that Christine Harris can weave the themes of the love, loss and the Stolen Generation through the story and present them in a way that is ideally suited to readers six-to-10 years. You don’t necessarily need to read the Audrey books in sequence, however, after being introduced to Audrey here I did feel that I wanted to return to the first two books to fill in a

little more of the storyline.”

Candice Cappe is the bookshop manager at the

National Library of Australia in Canberra

澳洲兒童圖書理事會年度大獎-Notable Books入選書單: Early Childhood



Two Bad Teddies ~本書簡體中文版權已售出~

Early Childhood 原始網頁 PDF

Sam’s Bush Journey 《山姆的叢林之旅》

出版公司:Little Hare Books

作者:Sally Morgan & Ezekial Kwaymullina & Bronwyn Bancroft


ISBN: 9781921541049 (HC) / 9781921541728 (PB)

/平裝 繪本,32



Sam’s Bush Journey讓青少年讀者藉由本書練習學習說故事、了解澳洲叢林的知識、環境與兩代之間的相處。


This cleverly written story, a collaboration between Sally Morgan and Ezekiel Kwaymullina, and illustrated by Bronwyn Bancroft, carries a couple of telling messages for young people, Indigenous and non-Indigenous alike. The concrete jungle and world of digital technology shelters and screens us, young people in particular, from the natural environment. The consequence of our sheltered existence is a lack of appreciation and understanding about the bush, its plants and animals, and for Indigenous Australians a lack of cultural knowledge, and the diminishing of their oral narrative tradition. Sam is one such kid, reliant on the mod-cons to get him by. A visit to his Nanna who lives in the bush is painful for him--too many mosquitoes and spiky bushes. Sick of Sam’s complaints his Nanna schools him with cultural knowledge about bush tucker and survival without Google maps. His negativity causes something strange to happen, transported from his bed one night, Sam awakes to find himself in the bush. Forced to use his newly acquired knowledge, Sam gradually starts to appreciate the inherent value of the natural environment. This is a great book, suitable for lower to middle primary school students.

March 2009, Vol 88, No 6. Australian Bookseller & Publisher magazine

Ruby and Leonard and the Birthday Surprise

出版公司:Little Hare Books

作者:Judith Rossell


ISBN: 9781921272967 (HC) / 9781921541599 (PB)

/平裝 繪本,24



Ruby and Leonard are two adorable mice who live behind a biscuit tin, along with a crowd of brothers and sisters. One day they decide to surprise their siblings by baking something. What will it be? Of course, when you’re a mouse, even the smallest tasks are huge--measuring the butter, cracking the eggs and mixing the ingredients. Then there’s the icing to do, and it all gets rather messy! As the cupcakes take shape, there’s an even bigger surprise waiting--an impromptu birthday party. There are clues about this in the preceding pages, but it’s sometimes a little confusing as to who’s in or out of the secret. Written and illustrated by Judith Rossell (of the 'Inspector Stilton' series), this picture book for young children (aged about four to seven) is extremely cute. Pastel colours against a creamy background create the feeling of an old-fashioned kitchen, complete with floral teacups, checked tablecloths and an ancient Mixmaster. Kids will love seeing the familiar steps of cake-baking interpreted from a teeny-tiny perspective, and will probably want to head straight to the kitchen afterwards. The book prepares for this with a bonus cupcake recipe on the final page.

March 2009, Vol 88, No 6. Australian Bookseller & Publisher magazine

Two Bad Teddies ~本書簡體中文版權已售出~

出版公司:Little Hare Books

作者:Kilmeny Niland


ISBN: 9781921541056

精裝 繪本,32

固執的泰利(Tilly)和格魯菲(Gruffy)喜歡茉莉(Mollie-Sue),茉莉蘇也是一樣,他們做什麼事情都要在一起。有一天,奶奶送來了「班迪比爾(Bendy Bill)」給茉莉蘇,茉莉蘇從此只抱著班迪、只喜歡班迪比爾了。泰利與格魯菲很生氣,決定要把他藏起來、要在他臉上畫上水彩,但茉莉蘇還是只喜歡班迪。沮喪的格魯菲想把班迪的帽子拆掉卻不小心跌到窗外,最後班迪用他長長的手臂救他,從此他們就變成了好朋友了。透過玩具熊的故事,讓讀者了解世上有許多東西是強求不來的。澳洲女性週刊(The Australian Women’s Weekly)和雪梨兒童刊物(Sydney’s Child)都大力推薦本書。

Guānjiàn xiāoshòu diǎn

•Kilmeny ní lán shì zhòngsuǒzhōuzhī de zhěnggè màoyì. Tā shuōmíng liǎo xǔduō jiéchū de guànjūn, bāokuò fēicháng chénggōng de yīgè shèngdàn qiányè ào yuán (shì lín àodàlìyǎ,2005 nián) hé suǒ mǔ bō sè mǔ (shì lín àodàlìyǎ,2005 nián)

•Xùjí liǎng gè fēicháng jiānnán de tài dí xióng.

•Tígōng yīgè jìshùqì yòng ruǎn bāo, dàn'qiángyìng'xúnzhǎo wánjù.

本書作者Kilmeny Niland已出版超過30本書,多年來她專心在插畫工作與繪畫的展覽,其風格從幽默到野生動物寫實繪畫,著作也得過許多獎項。本書是她第一次同時完成故事內容與插圖的書,她在20092月過世,Two Bad Teddies也成為她最後一本出版作品。


Tilly and Gruffy think they’ve got it made. In Two Tough Teddies they were taken home by Molly-Sue and were much loved. This book is a sequel, and life is not so rosy. There’s a new toy on the block called Bendy Bill, who gets all Molly-Sue’s attention. The two teddies conspire to regain Molly-Sue’s affections, but when disaster strikes they realise that Bendy Bill does have his good points and there is room in the house for them all. I was on the teddies’ side as they are extremely cute and cuddly, as teddies should be, and it was good to see them together again. The text is warm and friendly and conveys the action with humour and immediate child appeal. It’s the illustrations that will be so recognisable and a great addition to Niland’s large body of work. Her soft, delicate watercolours bring these teddies to life. They have almost a tactile presence and remain real teddies, as opposed to the caricatures some illustrators might resort to. The warm patterns, soft colours and eye contact between the characters and the reader make this a very engaging picture book. This is the last book from Kilmeny Niland, she will be sadly missed.

March 2009, Vol 88, No 6. Australian Bookseller & Publisher magazine

B. K. Agency 公司官網即日起移至新網站 (2023 Nov)

親愛的讀者客戶們, 我們的官方網站即日起移至新網站: https://www.bkagencyltd.com/ 歡迎大家到新網站欣賞我們代理的新書資訊, 謝謝!