2010年4月12日 星期一

澳洲兒童圖書理事會年度大獎-Notable Books入選書單: Picture Books圖畫書類


 Picture Book圖畫書類

Clancy and Millie and the Very Fine House

Little Hare Books

作者:Libby Gleeson & Freya Blackwood


ISBN: 9781921541193




*   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *   *


Cooking with Grandma

Hardie Grant Books

作者:Mastnak & Rosemary


ISBN: 9781921564192







Spare on words but strong on pictures, this delightful picture book for young readers is full of life, joy and warmth, and has obviously been a labour of love. The simple story of a little girl dressing up as a ballerina and then dancing with her jeans-clad grandmother develops into a joyous romp and ends with an exhausted collapse on the couch and a quiet read together. The setting is a very recognisable, average family home and Grandma is in the kitchen. But she is not so busy that she cannot spare the time to abandon the washing-up to have some quality time with her granddaughter. The cat and the dog, obviously much-loved family members, eventually join in the fun (the dog rather begrudgingly). The free-flowing watercolour illustrations extend the story to give young readers a subtext to follow that will have them returning to the first page for repeat readings to check out the subtle changes. The landscape format is perfect for the pace of the story, enhanced by the clever typography and design, and a generous use of white space. Highly recommended for children and their grandparents.

Review from Australian Bookseller & Publisher magazine



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