2011年6月19日 星期日

ALC入選 2011年CBCA推薦圖書清單

(Notable Australian Childhood’s Books 2011)

青少年讀本推薦(Older Readers)

出版公司:University of Queensland Press(UQP)
作者:Anthony Eaton

Daywards is the final novel in Anthony Eaton’s much praised ‘Darklands’ trilogy. As with Nightpeople (2007) and Skyfall (2008), this work of speculative fiction has fantastic cover art which immediately invites the reader to pick up the book. This challenging and absorbing work will engage and intrigue the 13-years-plus male or female reader with its alien world and characters. These are both familiar yet quirky enough for readers of all ages to find believable. Set 1000 years in a future Australia, the fast-paced action of Daywards is well-constructed and consistent in tone. The surviving humans in a polluted world live in tribes within sealed environments and the real power lies with the women who can connect with the Earthmother. I particularly enjoyed the positive feel of the book, when even though humanity has done its worst to the planet there is hope and ‘… a living, vibrant energy’ as the cousins Dara and Eyna lead survivors into life and the future. I feel this would make a strong English text for study of the future, plus a great addition to school and public library collections. Daywards is an excellent YA book which deserves positive critical acclaim.

作者安東尼伊頓Anthony Eaton任教於坎培拉大學,

安東尼個人網址Official sitehttp://www.anthonyeaton.com/

兒童讀本推薦(Younger Reader)

出版公司:University of Queensland Press(UQP)
作者:Sherryl Clark


熱衷寫作且滿懷夢想的Sherryl Clark早於90年代即開始自資出版,她的作品大部分在澳洲印行,亦有不少作品受到英美市場青睞而外銷國際。
詩歌小說(verse novel )Farm Kid2005年勇奪新南威爾省首長文學獎帕.賴特森獎(2005 NSW Premier's Literary Award - Patricia Wrightson Prize)的殊榮。
同樣是詩歌小說Sixth Grade Style Queen (Not!)2008年榮獲澳洲童書理事會(CBCA)的「年度青少年作品榮譽書獎」(Honour Book 2008 CBCA Awards - Books for Younger Readers)
Sherryl Clark的其他作品系列如:Aussie NibblesBites and Chomps series亦是澳洲青少年流行讀物的暢銷常客。

幼兒讀本推薦(Early Childhood Reader)

Me And My Dad
出版公司:Hardie Grant Books
作者:Sally Morgan & Ezekiel Kwaymullina    繪者:Matt Ottley

由兩位澳洲原住民作家與知名繪者Matt Ottley合作完成的Me and My Dad是描述一對父子之間的有趣的相處。
This collaboration between two Indigenous writers and the celebrated illustrator Matt Ottley has produced a book that is simple in its story and uncluttered in its illustrations. Yet behind this simplicity is a special relationship between a boy and his father. They spend their time together exploring the beach and confronting the potential dangers there. With his father beside him the boy feels protected from all harm by his hero. But there is one thing the father is afraid of and the tables are turned. So together they are heroes and will cope with whatever life throws their way. Matt Ottley is the creator of many acclaimed books, including the 2008 Picture Book of the Year Requiem for a Beast. His watercolour illustrations take the reader close to the dangers confronted by the boy and his father, but they also extend the story and build up the tension, with the one thing the father is afraid of lurking on almost every page. Most illustrations are doublepage spreads, but the occasional split frame provides action sequences that are fun for young readers to follow.

Sally Morgan是澳洲原住民作家,她書寫自己成長土地的作品My Place,在澳洲已銷售超過一百萬本,並為她贏得不少獎項。之後,她開始撰寫兒童故事書,著作主題多圍繞著兒童對成長的觀察與情感,作品情感真摯動人。
知名繪者Matt Ottley作品備受好評,作品包括於2008年榮獲澳洲兒童圖書理事會(Australia's Children's Book Council)Queensland Premier's Literary Awards圖書大獎Requim for a Beast

My Sister, Oliver
出版公司:Little Hare Books (2011年下半年停止合作)
作者:Paula Russell
繪者:Gaye Chapman


【關於作者】Paula Russell曾學習跳舞,現在在學校裡教雜技表演。本書是她第一本圖書創作。

Maudie and Bear  (繁體與簡體中文版權皆已售出)

Family Forest (繁體中文版已出版)

Maudie and Bear (繁體與簡體中文版權皆已售出)

出版公司:Ford Street
作者:Felicity Marshall

Family Forest (繁體中文版已出版)

出版公司:Ford Street
作者:David Miller

Me And My Dad



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